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prada wrap sunglasses manufacturing them and passing these bags off as the real thing. Many of the replica handbags do not look authentic and can be easy to spot. However, a number of these fakes look close to the real thing and many of these companies pay great attention to detail. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a real Kate Spade handbag so you do not get scammed into purchasing a fake instead of the real thing.Inspect the fabric labels sewn or glued onto leather purses, which is a telltale sign of a fake. Kate Spade always has the name embossed on leather bags and is not etched into a tag. Fabric tags are only used on Kate Spade bags that are constructed of cotton or microfiber.Get to Know the Real Kate SpadeExamine the size and shape of the letters on the label. Familiarize yourself with authentic label and compare the letters of supposed fake bags. If the letters differ in some way, the other bag is most likely a bag. Kate Spade handbags only use on type of letters on the purses and do not vary in style.Design Details Help You Spot Fakes and KnockoffsAvoid purchasing handbags that contain large metal feet on the base of the purse. Pointy metal studs, measuring wider than 12 inch, are fake Kate Spade purses and are not the real thing.Be suspicious of any Kate Spade purse that greatly resembles any other designer company's work. Kate Spade purses always display original designs and patterns. Kate Spade never copies other designer labels such as Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Coach, or Chanel. If you see the design somewhere else, then the purse is a replica.Kate Spade purses with not have a sunflower prints, camouflage, or a solitary black stripe. These designs are popular with replica purses and will not be used on authentic purses.Always purchase a Kate Spade purse directly from the website or high end department store. These purses will never be sold on the street or at discount stores. Be careful of purchasing a Kate Spade purse at a low price. These purses are expensive for a reason because they take great care to make them and only use the finest materials.How to Spot a Fake Juicy CoutureActually it is even not their fault. With so many fake juicy couture bags in the