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mens prada shoes cheap killed in enemy actionLife Gets a Little Too Ironic for Wisconsin News TeamA truck driver for Milwaukee's WDJT TV was covering a story on ice safety for snowmobile riders Sunday when she inadvertently drove her truck into a thinly iced over lake.The woman was able to escape after driving the news truck into Big Muskego Lake, the Associated Press reports.The driver had thought she was driving the vehicle over an icy road, when in fact she had driven it onto a frozen over channel in suburban Milwaukee, Muskego police Sgt. John Mesich said.Thou Shall Not Purse Snatch in ChurchPurse snatchers in Columbus may not fear the wrath of God, but they're certainly afraid of his elderly flock.Two would be thieves brazenly entered Sunday Mass at Christ the King Church in Columbus Sunday and began snatching congregants' handbags, when they were overcome by the quick actions of some senior citizens, the Columbus Dispatch reports.A quick witted 67 year old congregant named Bob confronted Wendell Hollingsworth, 43, and Celeste Smith, 51, as they tried to flee the church with a plastic bag filled with purses, the paper reported.When Hollingsworth allegedly pistol whipped Bob, four parishioners aged 50 to 70 came to the rescue "like football players," Bob's wife, Carol, recounted. The couple's last name was withheld by the Dispatch out of fear of reprisals."One guy, I betcha in his 70s, was laying into the bad guy with no fear at all," Bob said.Police charged Smith and Hollingsworth with aggravated robbery."Our parishioners are not about to let anyone defile their church," said the Rev. Michael Lumpe, the pastor of the church. "Kudos to those who didn just sit and let it happen."The rest of the congregation didn't seem to notice the ruckus. Most are elderly and didn hear it, Bob and Carol said.Thanks to Out There reader Elizabeth P.Teen Wolves Keep It Zipped in UtahLOGAN, Utah AP Stress relievers during final exams are fine, even encouraged, say Utah State University administrators.But a group howl in the school library? Maybe not."Students want to vent all that pressure," said Linda Wolcott, vice provost for libraries. "I sympathize with them. I'm just not sure the library is the most