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Watclt for Our ads Just Received! New Shipment of "Touster" HATS $ 295 Stand up and cheer for these casual classics . jo perfect for spring suit ensembles , , , All colors! All head sizes. GLOVES $1.00 $1,95 Spice up your costumes with exciting new gloves in fabrics . . . leathers. All colors, all sizes! Just Say "Charge Lovely New Spring HANDBAGS $l'00TO$5'95 Spring champions! Huge, handsome handbags to keep company with your brightest outfits! 4 6 $0. MAIN MRS. HAROLD TALBOTT has left for Pearl Harbor, Ma wall, to Join her husband who Is employed In civil service work. She Is a daughter of Mr. tftid Mrs. W. R. table and the colors were used In the refreshment theme. Invited guests were Marjorle The Hutchinson, Kansas, News Herald, Sunday, February 14, 1943 Page 6 Sidllttger, Mrs. John Hayes, and Mrs. Leo Kagariec, Castleton; Mm. Wilbur Wiggins, InmAft; MM. F. E. Woodrow Anshtltz, Mrs. R. S. FanesOl, Mrs. Andrew Grabef, Mrs. William Wilson, Mfs. W, fi. NlelclM, Mrs. Delbeft H. Co6fl, Margaret Ahshutzy Mildred Hayes, Betty Rankin, MSxifte Chalien der, Ethel Atkinson, Mabel Reed and Irene Llss. HlinohGuett Mti;AHusband's horror as wife Jennifer Harries dies in flames at village home in Chartham HatchMr Harries had been working on their vegetable patch across the road when he heard a bang and a scream before running back to their rear garden to find the horrific scene.Mr Harries told the hearing at Canterbury Coroner's Court his 65 year old wife had become acutely anxious about her health problems, which included rheumatoid arthritis and cataracts.He said: "She was concerned she wouldn't be able to drive. She also loved the structure of her job and anything that affected it would really knock her."She had been suffering with anxiety since last August and was seeing her GP and had just started engaging with the mental health services."He said his wife, who was a secretary at the University of Kent, went into a downward spiral and began to self harm despite efforts to help her.On the day of her death, on April 7, picture framer Mr Harries said his wife was quiet, but they spoke and there was no indication she would do anything.He told coroner Rebecca Cobb he was