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gave you a fake. Now while this is illegal and very wrong it happens a lot.5. The last sure fire way to identify a Prada will be to look at any of the hardware. Most Prada handbags will have the logo engraved on it. While Fake Prada handbags will sometime have this logo there it will often be slightly askew or misprinted.There are several other small tips in purchasing a real Prada handbag instead of getting handed a fake. Number two would be to examine the over all quality of the bag and if it does not visible look like something that would e high end then it probably is a fake. Lastly I suggest everyone do their research on what kind of design you are wanting to buy. Research pictures and manufacturers prices then you will be better equipped to defend your self from the fake Prada handbags. Detaling working knowledge of database type invnetory tracking, Mindfull knowledge of utilizing equ. View profileHow to Tell a Fake Hermes KellyNote the value. Older Hermes bags, even if they have some minor damage, cost between $3,000 and $8,000, while upscale fakes can be found at around $1,000. These bags are pretty rare, so if he's dozens, the possibilities high actually all fakes.Examine the high quality, presentation, and elegance of the bag. Ensure that doesn't necessarily have a very paper tag anywhere on it; real Hermes bags never do. There shouldn't be metal brand marker within the interior in the bag. If he's dealing real designer bags, he's going to know. Also, the dustbags inside the bags made after 2007 are orange, while bags produced earlier have tan dustbags. If your year the dealer claims the bag was made doesn't match along with of the dustbag, it should be a fake.Think about the price. Authentic Hermes handbags typically sell for around $10,000, with regards to the materials. Even used bags aren't heavily discounted and may even cost around $7,000. You will probably find a handbag for a smaller amount on the discount retail site, yet it's possibly an imitation. Hermes Birkin bags are designed in limited quantities, which makes sure that their prices will stay high. A "cheap" Birkin bag is most likely a knockoff.How to Tell A Fake from An Authentic BagThere is a huge market