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smell of placed in an open sandwich bag inside the purse. Leave whatever method you choose inside the bag for a couple of days. This scent won last forever in the bag, it will merely leave a fresher scent in the bag that will dissipate over a short period of time and at the same time discourage any musty or other odor from remaining while the bag is being stored.This has worked for me in removing even the heaviest of smells, like an entire bottle of purfume that spilled inside one of my absoulte favorite handbags.How do U think about buying fashion bags colorI am very interested in beautiful handbags. I like to collect pictures of new fashion handbags. In my spare time, I go to shopping with my elder sister and buy the new fashion handbags. I believe a fashion handbag is an indispensable thing for fine lady and young girls. I also like new fashion handbags very much.Ladies usually likes vogue bags,vogue bags are absolutely necessary for who wanna be fashion. I find a online shop named Moderator cut: spam. I also found some other brands handbags such as LV Chanel etc. Maybe next time I will try to buy another brand handbags.I'm mostly looking for stuff like a tote bag and some shoes like pumps and boots. If I can find a good deal on stuff like coats, blazers and sunglasses that would be great.I checked out the web and there were some websites which listed certain stores as really great places to shop for amazing deals. For those of you who have gone to LA and shopped, how are these places?I would agree with just buying a classic looking handbag if you can't afford many.Coach, Marc Jacobs and probably almost any designer you can think of, they mostly all carry leather bags in addition to their logo bags. Many brands even started out with plain leather and went more into logos as it became a craze.If you just get a black or rich brown leather you can use it for years.I buy both leather and logo, but I get 2 to 4 new bags a year. I definately wouldn't want all logos all the time.If you are looking for discounts, try a Coach outlet. There you will find real Coach bags, they are either last season or styles that didn't sell well or there was a surplus etc. but they are still