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my mom, in a completely bizarre and unnatural way though she totally encourages his obsession. At the mere mention of her name the drooling, the whimpering and the pacing begins. He reverberates with excitement! Nothing trumps his Nana.I've never had a dog before and had absolutely no idea the kind of love you can feel for an animal. To me Wrigley is not just a dog, he is my baby.Wrigley represents the very best parts of our family; love, affection, a sense of adventure, loyalty, devotion, adoration and satisfaction. He plays hard and he loves hard. He enjoys everything with such complete freedom and abandon; swimming at the quarry, sticking he head out the window when we go bye bye in the car someone always gives him a window seat, the vigor with which he takes off for our runs in a dead sprint nearly taking my arm out of its socket every single time, the way he flies down the stairs when he hears the garage door open, and he hesitates for just a moment at the window in our Living Room to make sure it's us, before he meets us at the door, and the way he enjoys and appreciates a fine meal.When we first got Wrigley he was seven weeks old, Amanda was seven years old and Nick was ten. Soon Nick will be heading off to college and Amanda will be driving. Where did the years go?This is Wrigley, our beloved dog who has never missed a meal, a chance to go bye bye in the car, never turned down an invitation to go for a run, never met a stranger, never missed an opportunity to nudge a guest in the crotch or ask for a belly rub.How much is a set designer paidWhat is difference between a three dimensional designer and an interior designer ? I am art design student and mainly interesting 3d designs like modeling, light designsIf you had your choice between an expense paid outdoor inground heated swimming pool all bills, maintenance and miscellaneou. An extra bedroom with master bath paid for in full which would you choose? or would youWhere is the best place to find cheap mens designer watches? Mens designer watches can be expensive. i would like to buy my dad and boyfriend a new designerIs there anywhere I can get cheap designer bags onlineI love designer handbags but hate paying the