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green prada bag year. Counterfeiters have wised up, and are now making replica bags that without a.How to Verify a Coach Serial NumberWhile a Coach handbag may have trademarks that look legitimate, a Coach handbag purchased second hand may have its authenticity questioned. While Coach.How to Recycle Your EYesterday I opened an oft ignored cabinet in my apartment and cringed: My personal junk graveyard was overflowing. Old remote controls, cell phone chargers, computer cords, and anything else I feel guilty about tossing in the trash were all tangled in a disorganized mess, waiting to be recycled. Environmental Protection Agency. About 40 million computers may become obsolete in a single year, and only about 18 percent are recycled, according to the agency latest 2007 statistics.The center maintains a list of computer companies that have national mailback programs. The company will give you a prepaid mailing label, and then you send your old computer equipment back to them. The EPA also has an e cycling Web site with another list of electronic companies that will recycle their products.Other electronics purveyors have instore programs that simplify the recycling process. Office Depot, for instance, offers a tech recycling service that gives you a box to stuff with as many old electronics as possible for shipping to a recycling service. The service costs between $5 and $15. Staples has a similar service, for $10, that ships equipment to Eco International. Postal Service encourages e cycling: their Free and Green program allows a consumer to discard small electronics PDAs, digital cameras, MP3 players having to pay for postage.But the most egregious e waste is arguably cell phones: Only 10 percent are disposed of properly each year, according to the EPA. That why the agency started a Plug in to E cycling campaign, in partnership with major cell phone manufacturers, to make recycling phones an easy call. I liked this site most of the events have passed for 2009 already lists specific partner events in different parts of the country where you can get rid of your phone.You could even start up your own cell phone collection box in your workplace, courtesy of Earthworks Recycle my Cell