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describes the painstaking process and the thoughtful details that make their bag a luxury. Knowing some history about the designer and their product is also very helpful. For example, there is no such thing as a vintage Birkin, because the Birkin has only been on the market since 1984. Someone who knows little about Hermes handbags might mistakenly pay a lot of money for a "vintage" replica of this handbag thinking they were receiving an original.Even some of the most attractive, well made Hermes handbags on the market are replicas. Below are some key things to look for when purchasing a Hermes purse: The Hermes emblem is engraved rather than embossed. Engraving is a technique in which the letters are lower than the surface they are pressed into. Embossed means the letters sit a little higher than the surface. The handles are of equal length. This seems like a small detail, but it's a very important one. Hermes handbags stand on their own, and the hardware on the bottom of the bags do not screw off. Stitchery is consistent, and is diagonal, not horizontal. The stitching should be level and parallel and should always be the same color throughout the bag. The grade of leather is very important. Hermes is notorious for turning away nearly 98% of the high quality leather presented for use in their handbags. They only solicit the best, and even then, only 2% of the best make the cut. Their leather is supple and beautifully natural. High grade leather is not stiff or shiny. Labeling is very important to designers, and their products will not have misspellings in their labels. Any kind of misspelling, not only of the name, is a red flag that the purse is a poor quality fake. Poorly made labels will have cheap stitching and a low quality appearance. They are also sometimes inconsistent in their labeling. For example, you might see "Burberry's of London" instead of the authentic "Burberry of London." Replicas often pluralize a name, and hang label tags off the purse instead of stitching them where they belong. Signature markings are found on every Hermes purse. Hermes uses a unique dating system, and this marking can be found on the underside of the strap of the purse. Packaging is