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be printed on the leather on the inside of the bag. The serial number should be numbers only and not have any letters included.Luxurynavi is a best provider for the various ladies handbags. Varities of brands like gucci bags, hermes bags, birkin bags, prada handbag, miumiu handbag, etc.How To Identify an Authentic Coach HandbagAmong the most popular and genuine products produced by the hands of American craftsmen are Coach handbags. These are not just ordinary handbags. They are made of quality materials and designs that are rare in today's market. No wonder why these precious handbags are so expensive people would rather be tempted to buy identical bags also known as replicas, which cost less compared to the original products. Some may have little defects or have a flimsy hardware that can only last for a short time. If you're into the real thing, then all you have to do is read between the signs. Read on for some of the tell tale clues that prove your handbag is an authentic Coach.Price does matter. An original Coach handbag has a specific price. It can either go lower or higher than its original price. If you have noticed that the price has gone way down lower, then you could suspect that it's a replica of the handbag.Check out the C's. Another point to consider is to be observant of the C logos outside the bag. Symmetry should be observed in all the logos, especially at the seams. Authentic Coach handbags have C's that are completely intact. If you notice logos that are severed and partially sewn into a seam, then it's potentially a duplicate.Check the tag. Before buying an item, always remember to check the billing tag for details about the item. If it says "Made in China," then you know what it tells.Know the stitches. In an original Coach handbag, you can observe that the stitching is a uniform double thickness stitch. Any inconsistency may indicate a fake Coach handbag.Check the place and material. If you're into replica handbags, then all you have to do is walk down the street and you'll see one. Original Coach handbags just can't be sold from someone's car trunk. Also, replica handbags could be recognized through the materials and quality they present.