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you can buy versions of all of these items for $9.99, often they are provided with new computes. How do you compete with free?Yet Logitech realized just because ugly, Office beige corded keyboards are near free, doesn mean people won pay more for some style and old fashioned consumer one upmanship.The American consumer is flush and has been in a cycle of luxury and hip upgrading for years now. Why stop at handbags and hotels? Logitech is the W Hotels of keyboards. They are one of the new boutique tech companies where design is more important than functionality, a move that is largely behind Apples newfound success, even though Apple had been delivering style before consumers demanded it. A similar company that didn catch this wave is Creative Technology CREAF.Products driving Logitech to ever higher earnings On January 18 they released their best earnings ever include their sleek cordless diNovo keyboard line, recently improved to even slicker must have status. If you see a cool thin black keyboard in a movie or a TV show, chances are it a Logitech diNovo. Other new products like the top of the line Harmony TV remote controls, MX Revolution mice, and Z 10 speakers will help the stock.I recommended LOGI on Cashin In a few weeks ago.While Sony has been criticized for missing the boat on so many important consumer gadgets, notably MP3 players, they are having success in several areas. One way to define success is being able to sell a product at a large price premium to very similar products. Sony has achieved this in desktop computers, laptops, and LCD TVs.My laptop is no better than a Dell a company stuck in the 1990s that has largely missed this bold new era in consumer buying behavior yet was $500 more than a comparable model. Call me a fool, but it looks cool. C it has stainless steel! Who cares if the batteries blow up once in awhile you heard of curb appeal? This PC has Starbucks appeal.Sony LCD TVs about the most expensive on the market for screen size have removable color side panels to match your slick modern interior. What that got to do with picture quality?Sony new PlayStation may not be getting all the buzz of the Nintendo Wii another great company but