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though because it's still lower than the price of an original and you think what you are getting is authentic.There are some tactics to make sure that your purchase of a handbag is authentic. Inspect the material of the handbag ; is the leather of good quality? Is the stitching even and straight? Many original designer bags have the name brand logo on the lining and the lining is generally satin. Designers usually use leather accents, so a plastic strap is a good indicator of a fake. Logos should always be engraved not just released. A serial number can frequently be found in most original handbags and is a good indicator of its authenticity. A veracity card which has the big name brand logo and some product information on it can usually be found also.In recent years the sale of purses online has turned into a big market. Many sites do sell authentic purses and are valid but many are not. It is important when purchasing a designer handbag online that you first try the site you are thinking of purchasing a handbag from. Sites that are PayPal verified are sometimes valid and the Better Business Bureau can generally let you know if the site has had any beefs. Wherever you choose to purchase your designer handbag it is usually a good idea to make sure it is authentic.How To Make Overweight Women With A fat BumAre you overweight and sick of people calling you a frump because you fat? Are you embarrassed over your size and believe you look hideous in the clothes you wear. Remember it is you that is thinking this. Not everyone out there is heartless and thinks of you as a hideous fat frump. I agree there are merciless people who don care whose feelings they hurt, but you have to be strong and ignore the nasty taunts and jibes.Are you already on a diet to lose weight and it not dropping off fast enough. Do you believe you "can look trendy and stylish while waiting for the fat to disappear, if so you belief is wrong because you can? Big women who carry excess flab around their belly or their bum can look as chic as the next woman by wearing the right style of clothes that suit their shape and size. Why we have the issue of people taking the Mickey could be due to how you dress and