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fake.5Consider the price. Real Coach bags can retail from $150 to $500 depending on the style. Fake Coach bags are often sold for less than $100.6Be wary of dubious locations. Where one is buying the bag is often a sign as to whether the bag is fake or real. Street vendors, eBay, iOffer, mall kiosks, and even purse parties are all places known to sell fake Coach bags. A Coach outlet or a reputable Coach reseller are all known to sell authentic Coach products. When considering buying a bag from an on line seller, ask to see pictures of the individual bag. Some sellers will post stock pictures, which are pictures the reputable stores use.How can i tell if my Dooney and Bourke bag is a fakeHere are a few tips on how to spot a fake:So, you have just bought a new designer handbag. Maybe you have had your eye on a Christian Dior Saddle Handbag, or Gucci Jackie O that you know your friends will drool over . You got a huge discount off of the hefty retail price and you feeling pretty good about yourself. But know you are wondering is my designer handbag authentic.One of the best ways to ensure your new handbag is authentic is to look at the bag itself. Designer handbags are popular and cost as much as they due because first and for most they are made from quality materials. Take a good look at the stitching. There should be no loose or missing stitches, the color of the thread should match the main color of the bag and the stitches should be evenly spaced. If the handbag is leather, the logo should be engraved, not just printed on the leather.Also take a look at the hardware. All of the hardware should match in color and sheen. The hardware should also be free of scratches. Many manufactures, including Gucci, Fendi and Prada, protect their hardware with a removable plastic cover that is to be removed only after it has been purchased. The brand name or logo should be engraved, not embossed or simply printed on the hardware. You can also find the brand name of logo engraved on the strap hardware on Gucci, Fendi, Prada, Chanel andInspect the material the bag; lining, hardware and accents are made of. Many handbags are made of different types of leather, from Lambskin,