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animal print handbags sophisticated thieves, but it will make it much less convenient for the casual thief. A mugger's wallet is not your real wallet it is merely a false copy to trick the mugger into thinking that it is your real wallet. Stuff a few receipts and expired credit cards or coupons into your mugger's wallet and keep your real wallet in a secret pocket. Put your mugger's wallet anywhere you like, but do NOT put it in a concealed pocket! By making this wallet, your real wallet will be safer.If you're afraid the mugger will not fall for your fake wallet, put a few one dollar bills into your mugger's wallet.Always wear good shoes for walking, and be prepared to run from stalkers and pickpockets.Remember that pickpockets do not wear disguises! They are normal people and blend in with the scene. Pickpockets can be young and old, male and female, rich and poor. Young children, teens, and even seniors can be pickpockets.Never wear brightly colored clothing. It just brings attention to yourself and makes you more vulnerable.Always make sure that you know how to contact your credit card company so that if you are pickpocketed, you can get your credit cards cut off as soon as possible!Make sure you have no visible bulges on your clothing.Always carry pursesbriefcaseshandbagsetc. in your dominant hand so you can defend yourself.Never take anything with you that you aren't prepared to lose.Carry color copies of your ID or passport with you. Leave your real ID at the hotel safe and only take real ID with you if you know for sure you'll need it.Don't wear an open bag with your wallet in it.Meet Juan, who joined wikiHow over 4 years ago. He gets a kick out of seeing the weirder stuff people feel compelled to put into wikiHow articles while he is patrolling. He enjoys the community here because "the people are mostly pleasant and easy to get along, not like the editors in some other wikis who just take themselves way too seriously." One of his favorite moments on wikiHow was having received a personal note from Jack Herrick, the founder of wikiHow, thanking him for helping to maintain this project.How to Preserve Leather HandbagsUse pens with caps and always replace them before tossing them