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day bed or on the couch. And they way I toss and turn all night trying to get comfortable what if I fall out of the small bed.I really need help here. What do I do.asked by Thepoffs0116 3 years 41 weeks agoA simple solution is to tell her that due to the recent flu outbreak they are only allowing one other person to come during doctor visits. Or you could just be honest and tell her that this is something you want just your husband and you to share and that you aren't even inviting your own mother to it. I think it is just plain rude of her to kick you out of your own bed though, if they aren't comfortable with your guest bed, than they should rent a hotel room when they come to town. Simple as that. And if you are not comfortable telling her, than have your husband tell her as it is his mother and he should support you in your decisions. Don't feel bad or guilty about it! And Congrats! :When YOU come up with a proposal hopefully others will give some advice to give you some ideas too , think about how you'll say it to your husband, and then talk to just him about it first. Then, it probably would be best having him tell her.To back yourself up, check with whoever is supposed to be doing the ultrasound for you to see if mom, dad, sisters, neighbors, cousins, and friends from the 7th grade are all invited to come along. My doctor sends his patients to a separate clinic at the hospital for the ultrasound. For liability reasons, fire hazard reasons, etc. they may only let immediate family in. At that hospital where I delivered, my mom thought I'd love to have her watch me pop a kid out from between my legs and didn't take no for an answer until I found the policy where it states only one other person can be in the room which case I chose my husband, of course! .This ultrasound they'll do on your belly, unlike the first one they probably did with the rod like camera in your vagina. So it really isn't so bad, but I know what you're saying about just having your husband there. Even so, it should only take about an hour for them to check the sex and check all the organs and measurements, so if they're making a big trip from out of town, it would be kind of a big hassle. Just