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identity fraud the final topic covered during the recognition month in March. It may not be possible to guarantee everyone's identity is safe, but by following some general guidelines and being aware of current trends, risks will be minimized. Age and income do not matter to identity fraud thieves; anyone can be at risk. Vital information such as name, address, date of birth, social insurance number, mother's maiden name, username and password of on line services as well as drivers license numbers need to be acquired in order to complete the impersonation. The thief can take over the victim's financial accounts, open new bank accounts, transfer bank balances, apply for loans, credit cards and other services, purchase vehicles and take luxury vacations.Identity fraud is facilitated by technology, mainly through the Internet. "Phishing" attacks are becoming more sophisticated as criminal elements gather profiles of potential victims through the use of fake internet websites. Computer spy wares and viruses, designed to acquire personal information, are an emerging trend. Another sophisticated avenueused is "Vishing," where technology is used to capture telephone key strokes. Fan out calls are placed to unsuspecting victims requesting banking and other personal information. Other less sophisticated, but effective, techniques include stealing wallets, dumpster diving, shoulder surfing, redirectingstealing mail, posting job offers and sending out mail requesting extensive information.Citizens can protect themselves by following these rules: Remove personal identification such as birth certificates and social insurance cards from wallets, handbags and briefcases. A person's Social Insurance Number SIN is a confidential number which is only required by law for tax reporting if a customer is earning income either employment or investment. While many companies may ask for you SIN for other purposes, you have the right to refuse under these circumstances. Keep track of credit cards. Cancel any that are not being used and always sign them when they are received. Contact the credit card company if there are any questionable charges on statements. Never provide