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attraction to a girl who owns it. However, because of the modern machines created, it will be somewhat confusing now to point out which is a knock off and which is not. Good thing is that modern technology is also helpful in spotting a fake object. Out of all the possible fake Guess handbags there, managing to have a genuine one reveals a lot of you as a person. It indicates that you are really careful in choosing the right things you will be spending some bucks for.How to Spot a Fake Gucci HandbagHow to Spot a Fake Gucci HandbagGucci manufactures designer handbags, but companies try to cash in on this market and attempt to pass off fakes as real ones. Learn how to spot a fake bag.Dianne Christensen Hermanceon May 20, 2010Replica designer handbags are real, and if a Gucci bag is selling for a dirt cheap price, then it most likely is a knock off and not a real bag. Many companies make fake designer bags and do a good job at passing them off as real. It is best to learn the characteristics of a Gucci designer handbag, to be able to spot a real one from a fake.Stitching and HardwareGucci hand bags are expensive for a reason and the details are impeccable on their bags. Examine the stitching and if you find any loose or sloppy stitching, it is a knock off. Check to see if the color of thread matching the color of the bag. Look at the leather tag on the purse and the logo should be engraved and not printed. If it is merely printed, then the bag is a fake.Examine the hardware on the bag and all hardware should match in color. The hardware should be scratch free and many manufacturers protect hardware with a removable plastic cover that can be taken off after the purse is purchase. The Gucci name should be engraved on the hardware.Handbag materialInspect the material of the handbag and lining. The handles and hardware accents are usually made out of genuine leather. If the accents look like they are made out of plastic, then it is a knock off. Carefully examine the handle of the handbag and it is easy to determine if it is authentic leather or not. The lining usually consists of a satin material and the Gucci name is usually present on the lining.Serial number and Authenticity