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crisp lettering. Familiarize yourself with the correct logo of a Jimmy Choo bag. If the nameplate is encased in bright electric blue it is a fake and a common practice with knockoffs. The metal name plate should also be shiny gold and not dull looking.Inspect the interior lining. Authentic Jimmy Choo handbags are made of Moleskin, a durable woven cotton material. If the lining looks like satin, silk, or suede, it is a fake. Counterfeiters believe this materials provides the handbag with a richer look.Pay Attention to the DetailsCheck the quality of the leather. Feel and smell the bag to determine if it smells like genuine leather. An authentic bag should have a soft feel and smell of genuine leather. A fake bag could smell of plastic and other materials and may feel like leather, but not quite. A knockoff bag will feel harder than soft authentic leather.Inspect the dust bags or other side items. The dust bags are usually purple and have a "Made in Italy" tag on genuine bags. The fake dust bags usually say "Made in China" and are white, brown, or tan. Often times the handles are wrapped in plastic if the bag is a knockoff. Authentic Jimmy Choo bags do not come with the handles wrapped in anything.Examine the screws if the bag comes with any. Look at the shape of the screws. Authentic Jimmy Choo bags with have screws with a flat head on the strap closure. The fake bags usually have a Phillips head screws.How to Spot a Fake Hermes BagThe high price connected with Hermes handbags are largely as a consequence of fine materials that are employed, such as crocodile, ostrich, lizard and calf. Birkin handbags are also made of top quality leather, which really helps to impart it with a classic touch. The bag is named after the famous English actor and singer Nara Birkin, which is also several reasons behind the success on this brand. Hermes Birkin bags are possibly mostly of the items existing in the fashion industry that has zero depreciating value. The price for these bags can actually sell for a lot more than its original value, more than the rarity of that bag model. As an end result, buying one of these bags is higher than a fashion statement; it is also an investment because