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water heat ers will provide years of efficient service at the lowest Initial Plenty of hot water for all your SALE Glamour Hood captivating cover for your coiffure Its the most enchanting way to keep your hair in place wherever breezes wherever you want a pretty coverup for hairdosinthe Choose several in colors that are unabashed Page 9 The Hulchinson June 1960 88c Hat main floor Fashions Greatest THE HOOP rolling right into summer Biggest news in jewelry pretendgold earring cooled off for summer in or black and white combinations with gold It all started in Paris and its here to bring out the gypsy in A wonderful earring a gypsy fortune in the gypsy hoop of coins and pearls by Rich plus tax right hoop of black and white bead combination by plus tax styles from to Jewelry main floor Summertime is Blue Grass Savings Time Stock up and save on this favorite Elizabeth Arden fragrance most loved by women Treat yourself to Blue Grass that refresh outdoorsy fragrance so perfect for fragrance set aerosol bottle of Perfume Mist plus a purse falcon of Blue Grass value Special b flower use lavishly for coolness price and 8 c refreshing dusting powder all prices plus Casnietics main floor JUST ARRIVED a new shipment of Summer Handbags simulated leathers all big enough to be practical 4 light enough to carry with ease pretty enough for a party and each a bag full of value main floorHutchinson News HeraldHutchinson News Herald Newspaper February 14, 1943, Hutchinson, Kansas Dorothy Salmon, Nelda Randies, Eileen Frost, CArrnd Lou McClelland, Shlrlejr Hodges, Twlla Hodges, Donna Schnurf, Donna Salmon, Mary Jane CriSpch, Af lene Hockett, Charlotte Riggs, Tony Moon, Lloyd Piatl, John Moon and Kenneth Riggs. Party For Friend Eva and Goldie LawsoH, Jean nine Meister and Darlene and Shirley Murphy were hostesses at a Valentino party for a group of. friends Friday afternoon in the Meister home, two playlets written by the hostesses were presented. Darlene Jones and Patricia Lawson won prizes Ih games. Other guests were Mrs. Albert D. Bell, Mary Moralez, Donna Walker, Janet Oabrlelsoh, Patty Sue Cunningham, Juanlta Rice, Bohnie Graham and Mary Ann Wells. JESSIE MAY DUNCAN, daughter of Rev. and