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until later months in 2011, but at least you can find their address, phone number and hours of operation.Since this is such an investment, if you buy Coach bags online through a reputable vendor or through the Coach Discount outlet, make sure you are satisfied with your purchase. Is it the perfect match for your shoes? Does it wear well on my shoulders? Are there any blemishes that I cannot live with that I did not see when I bought it? Is it big enough to hold my things? Was it as small as I wanted it to be?Really, make sure you are satisfied with your purchase. This is also why it is important when buying online to make sure the vendor is reputable and has a reasonable return policy. You should be able to purchase it, inspect it and return it within a reasonable amount of time if you are not satisfied.Your designer bag collection is as important as your jewelry collection, your watch collection and your shoe collection. Coach bags will always be valuable so keep them in good condition so they will always look brand new. Whether you are spending $80 or $800 for your Coach bag, you might as well pay for the original and the best.How to Get Around CampusHow to Get Around CampusPersonal SafetyEveryone has the right to be safe and live without fear. The practical information contained within this brochure provides the basis for you to be safe and encourages you and your friends to think about your own "Personal Safety Plan".There are no hard and fast rules to protect yourself use commonsense and don't get into a position where you could be attacked.Your plan should be about simple practical steps that can prevent a threat to your safety or at least help you prepare if your safety is threatened. It is about taking simple safety steps that should become habits.Out Walking Keep alert, walk confidently. If you feel unsafe, head for the nearest well lit or populated area. Always walk against the flow of traffic. This will allow you to see cars approaching. If possible, walk with other friends. If you are concerned about people following you or approaching you, don't stop to have a conversation with them. Try to keep moving and remain confident even if you feel nervous. At night, avoid