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authentic bags use high class leather, which is so good, that it is strong enough to stand up on its own weight. Besides, the handles wont ever collapse. Knockout handbags have a tendency to collapse under their own weight!!TIPS AHOY: If you are still not clear on how to tell the true stuff from the knockout follow these hints:Always buy from a real seller or designer outlets. Never buy on line or at sales. This will ensure the authenticity of the handbag. The only definite way to know your handbag is legitimate is to buy directly from designer stores or stores long established in selling designer rangesCheck the handbag for digits: Most authentic handbags have either a control card or control number on the inside, as well as a certificate of authenticity. The number on the tag or control card should match the number printed on the lining. If you can, register your handbag.Quality matters, so feel the bag. authentic bags will have soft leather or suede. Knock offs tend to feel more like plastic. Weight makes a difference. Real leather is heavier.Small details make the difference. The lining and stitching can help to differentiate a fake handbag from a legitimate one. The knockout bags may have thread hanging or may be frayed in the corner. genuine handbags are also often lined with fabric with the brands specific logo or monogram on it.On a knockout handbag the stitching may not be completely straight, or may be a different color. Even the color of the outside of the bag may be a little off. genuine handbags wont have imperfections in the straps. Zippers will match the skin color well and the designer run of bags may only truly come in a very small range of colors.Very slick and over shiny highly processed leather is often an indication of a fake. Poor uneven stitching is a sure dead give away of a fake.Check the logo. Pay particular care to the pattern of printed monogram styles. There may be simple spelling mistakes, although the patterns may be the same Well designed bags with logo fabrics never run the lettering into the seam lines.The hardware is significant. On knock offs, the hardware tends to be oversized. Always check the placement of the hand bag and the