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prada for babies making sure the leather is not shiny. Coach uses YKK zippers for their handbags, so make sure you look for that tiny detail.4. Another way to differentiate a real handbag from a fake one is by visiting the designers' Web sites or stores to study the details. If the bag doesn't exist on the Web site, odds are the seller is trying pass off a fake bag for a real one. But a few authentic designer websites sell last year's stock at discount prices.5. Will the website give you a Guarantee of Authenticity for their name brand handbags? If not, then it is better not to buy from these websites.How to Tell a Fake Designer Bag from an Authentic OneHandbags are a girl's other best friend, so it's no surprise that women want the best of the best. Whether it's Louis Vuitton, Herms, Coach or Prada, a handbag is the best accessory a woman can carry. Unfortunately, there is a huge market for knock off bags. Obviously, if you're getting a Louis Vuitton for $50, you can safely assume the bag is a fake.One of the main trademarks of any designer bag is quality. Most designer handbags are handmade, part of the reason why they are more expensive than other handbags. Telltale signs of a fake bag include uneven stitching, puckered seams or low quality material. The thread from the stitching should be the same color as the bag. Louis Vuitton uses one piece of fabric to make a handbag. Therefore, stitching and seams are kept to a minimum.Designers have high quality control standards. They provide the best construction and materials for the money their customers spend. A bag should be able to stand on its own, not fall in. High end handbags are always made up of soft leather or suede which is heavier. You will never see a designer bag made from second rate textile like plastic or polyester. In addition, designer bags are built to last. Designers would never sell a substandard product. If taken care of, a designer bag can last a lifetime. If the product looks cheap, it probably is.If using eBay, beware of sellers that have a large quantity of the same type of product. Fakes are easily mass produced. Also, the more pictures a seller posts, the better. It'll give you a better idea of what to look for in