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in an official shop, if it is, it's a clone. Genuine Louis Vuitton is sold for no less than $1500 and is never in wholesale. Pieces available for $75 or less have to be counterfeits. Think of this, even the authentic pre owned handbags aren't available at this ridiculous prices actually because a real owner would throw it away than sell for garbage prices or wait for the company to withdraw when he can make a big fortune.Tags on genuine Louis Vuitton never contain blue numbers in any way. Be warned if you see it and steer clear of it. Sellers strangely think that these numbers will help them somehow win over buyer just when authentic pieces don't even have them at all.Besides, another bigger clue to tell fake handbags from genuine pieces is the use of cheap plastic wrappers for the handles. This is not to say that Louis Vuitton never uses plastic over handles but it is the quality that matters. Remember, brand new handbags are wrapped in plastic but the resale bags aren't ever; it is the case with a used piece or a display bag. All you need to do in this case is put off your purchase till you are sure that you were about to pay for genuine pieces. As Louis Vuitton seldom ships in bulk, it makes an interesting point to inquire with the buyer as to where did he get the handles and handbags wrapped from if there is plastic over the handles. Paper wrappings around hardware and around rivets as if to guard them is really funny to watch.How to tell differences between regular Coach store bag and factory outlet bagThe Coach brand is an affordable mid range designer handbag brand. Coach is such a popular brand that lots of women in the world are carrying their handbags. The Coach factory outlet store is a good place to pick up affordable Coach items to satisfy your shopping urges. So why do you need a coach factory outlet guide? There are several reasons that I will explain in this hub. So keep reading and you will be a smarter Coach outlet shopper.Key difference between Coach retail and factory outlet bagsWhy are coach handbags cuter at the regular store versus the outlet? This is a question that I asked myself a few years ago when I first started loving handbags. The