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to $19 for a wallet to $45 for a messenger bagWhat's in a name: "It was a nickname given to me. Some friends say I'm like a raccoon. A little OCD, and I like to stash things. It seemed fitting for my business. I find all these treasures and give them new life."The story: Melissa, a full time nurse and mother of four, started out selling handmade cards on Etsy but eventually added retro buttons, magnets, key chains and even necklaces to her haul.She began making the cards about four years ago, using old holiday cards sent to their family by customers on her husband's newspaper route."All his customers would send us cards," she says. "To do something fun, we would cut them up. I started making them just for my family, for me to mail out."Melissa later sold them for a fundraiser and realized there was a market for it. She began selling them and branched out to use other materials, like pages out of medical books and old magazines.Local textile artist Wini McQueen shares love of artLatest News Local State Houston Peach The Sun News Crime Education Business Nation World Opinion Weird News SportsHigh School Sports University of Georgia Georgia Tech Mercer Sports Columnists Sports Blogs Colleges Atlanta Braves Atlanta Falcons MLB Baseball NBA Basketball NFL Football Auto Racing Golf More Sports Living EntertainmentEditorials Editorial Cartoons Letters to the Editor Bill Cummings Bill Ferguson Catherine Meeks Charles E. On Wednesday at the Sidney Lanier Cottage, she will display a variety of fabrics and tools from her most recent trip and give a presentation, Long Does it Take to Make That? the question people often ask me of a creation. I share some of the details that go into the creation of a particular product, and I display photographs, some large ones, 20 by 30 inches, as well as some of the textiles that I collected, including story narrative fabrics, McQueen said.The creation of the textiles begins with village women spinning the yarn that is then passed on to the men, who are the weavers. On her most recent trip, from October 2012 to March 2013, McQueen dyed the fabrics before working with the community to create handbags.of the people I met in had invited me to