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second place. With the new engine and the addition of the hatchback to the model mix, it will be interesting to see the outcome at this time next year. Either way, consumers are sure to get a bang for their compact car buck.Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for CRPS type IIWelcome to the NeuroTalk Communities!You are currently viewing our boards as a guest which gives you limited access to view most discussions and our other features. By joining our free community you will have access to post topics, communicate privately with other members PM, respond to polls, upload content and access many other special features. Registration is fast, simple and absolutely free so please, join our community today!My Husband and I arrived Saturday 07Sep13 exhausted in Ontario after 8 hours travel. Weary, we checked into the hotel. We were both eager for a nap. For me, the many hours in airports and planes had my CRPS roaring. Both feet and my left shin were aglow bright red. The burning was excruciating, and I don't need to explain all the various pain sensations. I was at 9.9 on the pain scale. I was done for the day. I took my meds and settled in bed for the rest of the daynight.Today, we met with Dr Underwood. He looked over my records and gave me a quick look over. He told us not to be too optimistic about my legs and feet since it has been so long since the onset of CRPS, but if the tissue is repairable the oxygen can help to accelerate healing. He explained the basics of the treatment is to help oxygen get into the smaller blood vessels that are difficult to reach. HBOT squeezes the oxygen much like the pressure in a hose. The more one squeezes the more water is pushed through the the hose. I continue to be optimistic even though being 'hosed' isn't a good thing. We were able to look at the HBOT units. The two person tank looks pretty small around. I am skeptical about getting two in there comfortably. It reminds me of when Darrell and I shared a pup tent many years ago. We were much younger and a whole lot slimmer. I think it is going to be more like squeezing two full size pumpkin pies into a tin can. Yeah.My Husband and I arrived Saturday 07Sep13 exhausted in Ontario after 8 hours