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mini prada saffiano we really are. We can never fully be ourselves if we dont know, understand and accept who we are.According to Richard Boyatzis, an emotional intelligence expert, the fear of social rejection is one of the three most common causes of stress. We often need other people's approval "are you sure I don't look too fat in this dress". We are scared of being perceived as too boring, too chubby or too shy and not living up to other people's expectations of how we should be, how we should dress or how we should behave.But the truth is we are who we are and no one should put us in a box and tell us how we should be. There are enough people who appreciate us for the way we are. We don't need to be liked by everyone and waste our time to think about how to please everyone. Instead, let's get rid of this thinking pattern and let's free ourselves from having to conform to other people's views on how we should be. I'm sure you will notice after a while that you feel much less stressed and free.Let's stop obsessing about our flaws and imperfections. Do you feel like you are much more inclined to forgive others for their flaws and mistakes than your own? We are constantly being too hard on ourselves. It only makes us human to have flaws. If we spent the same amount of time thinking about our good qualities, we would be leading much more fulfilled and happier lives! Try and think of yourself as unique as Friedrich Nietzsche already explained:"At bottom every man knows well enough that he is a unique being, only once on this earth; and by no extraordinary chance will such a marvelously picturesque piece of diversity in unity as he is, ever be put together a second time."We need to remove these negative thinking patterns about ourselves. You can achieve this easily by yourself by using positive affirmations and self talk. Don't get enough compliments from your spouse? Compliment yourself for your warm hearted nature, for your looks or for any other positive qualities you have. I'm sure the list is bigger than your flaws! Just imagine how many people in this world are far worse off than you are. The following saying demonstrates how you can quickly put your own imperfections and insecurities into