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completely miss out on the 1990s tech stock boom. Other than graphic arts professionals, the Mac was a dying platform and the company was destined for bankruptcy, even though as Apple nuts will remind you they made machines. The iPod saved the day.If you dying to run out and buy a $500 phone that runs on the slow Cingular Edge data network, maybe Apple won disappoint this year. But maybe its time to move on and find the next hot product.Here is a short rundown of my favorite tech companies and their hot products, and whether their stocks could be as successful as the gadgets:The core product here remains a search engine with context sensitive ads. The most amazing thing about one of the hottest tech stocks of all time, is that this product really was just an improvement over existing technologies and search engines for all the Google genius hoopla, they really didn pioneer much ground.The whole thing smacks of GoTo, a paid search engine I used to advertise on back in the bubble years. Of course, Sony and many others already had MP3 players before iPod. This could mean that investors will do better investing in companies that improve on existing technologies rather than pioneer new products.Today I use at least a half dozen Google non internet search products daily desktop search, maps, gmail, talk and more products a bit less frequently. I even using Google on my phone. As for the stock, Google has little upside. Few of the new products have massive potential and non advertising revenue growth doesn seem capable of supporting one of the largest market caps in the world. There has even been some misses with recent product launches, notably video, where Google got out goggled by YouTube.Maybe I still just bitter from bidding too low in the Google IPO.The biggest danger for investors in consumer electronics is this business is always gravitating towards being a commodity. Even a great market leader like Sony with the Walkman gets dragged down into a low margin game of indistinguishable products that consumers differentiate mainly by price.Logitech makes computer and other tech accessories. Keyboards, mice, speakers, etc. Talk about a commodity business. Besides the fact that