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Health's divisional clinical director of women's and children's health Dr Vasu Iyengar.Dr Iyengar, who arrived in Shepparton almost three months ago after working in New Zealand, spoke about her life, studies and work in the medical field.''I want to introduce myself to the community; I've found everyone very welcoming and to be genuinely sincere,'' Dr Iyengar said.''There is the lovely interconnectiveness that one misses in a big city.''Dr Iyengar said she had a genuine desire to see satisfactory health services reach all parts of the community.''I want to increase the range of women's health in the community and the diversity of surgeries available to reduce the amount of women travelling to Melbourne for those surgeries,'' she said.''I want to build a regional centre of excellence.''GV Health Auxiliary president Jeanette Davidson said the auxiliary would decide where the money was spent.''The auxiliary has liaised with GV Health Foundation director Carmel Johnson and we will donate the money to either the conservatory for the rehabilitation unit or diagnostic equipment for women's health,'' Mrs Davidson said.She said the auxiliary had raised more than $50000 in four years, which was donated to GV Health's children's ward, medical ward, palliative care and the new oncology building.Love At First SightIt's no doubt that handbag have been one of the must have necessity of life for people ever since recorded history began. It's a sign of taste and fashion, as well as a symbol of social status and recognition. Recently, replica handbags are gaining worldwide popularity. There are millions who wish to own a real designer bag but cannot afford to do so. This is because the original designer handbags are very expensive. Thus, the replica handbags have taken the world market of handbags completely by storm and are in great demand. We present you a great number of replica handbags including Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Hermes, Chlo, Christian Dior and any other luxury ones. If you are shopping for an affordable handbag, then just feel free browse our selection to find the perfect item for yourself or to be given as a gift. All of these replica handbags we provide are