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real. I am not too familiar with the site you posted, but I don't trust many sites that claim to have discounts on designer stuff. I am very good at spotting real vs fake, but if you're not they can try and take advantage of you.I would agree with just buying a classic looking handbag if you can't afford many.Coach, Marc Jacobs and probably almost any designer you can think of, they mostly all carry leather bags in addition to their logo bags. Many brands even started out with plain leather and went more into logos as it became a craze.If you just get a black or rich brown leather you can use it for years.I buy both leather and logo, but I get 2 to 4 new bags a year. I definately wouldn't want all logos all the time.If you are looking for discounts, try a Coach outlet. There you will find real Coach bags, they are either last season or styles that didn't sell well or there was a surplus etc. but they are still real. I am not too familiar with the site you posted, but I don't trust many sites that claim to have discounts on designer stuff. I am very good at spotting real vs fake, but if you're not they can try and take advantage of you.How Do Independent Film Makers Raise Money To Produce Films And If The Films Are Short OnesThe formal way to raise money is to make a 14 page proposal: A short synopsis of the story including the ending, a budget, the backgrounds of the people making the movie and a time line, and how any income from selling the movie will be distributed who gets what percentage when.Sometimes people make a short trailer and a website for the movie they are planning.Then everyone involved in the movie makes a list of people they want to ask for money. You send each person on the list the fourteen pages and a letter saying you are going to ask them for money. You call and ask for an appointment. You meet and ask for a specific amount.Another way to raise money is product placement. You go to a handbag retail business and ask them to sponsor your film if you will use one of their handbags in the film. Then you do furniture, clothing, vehicles, cell phones, etc.A unique way of raising money was tried by the makers of Four Eyed Monsters, the first YouTube feature