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prada for sale ladies, pitying my shortness, let me stand at the front of the teeming crowds lining the street, opposite the Bayerischer Hof "I've translated for the Hof!" I couldn't help thinking smugly. A thrilling addition to the proceedings involved whips men in scarlet waistcoats stood in formation everyone cowered and simultaneously struck the ground with a din like gunshots.What couldn't have been clearer was that one integral component of the Bavarian lifestyle is traditional dress: Lederhosen with stockings and waistcoats for men, and Dirndls and perky little hats for the ladies. It isn't just reserved for Oktoberfest; you genuinely will see people of all ages and nationalities wearing them all year round. Around Oktoberfest time even up to a month before, seeing someone who isn't wearing it is unusual. It thus became apparent to me that I, a registered Bavarian citizen, could embrace the ever growing trend myself. I wasn't a mere tourist, spending a small fortune for something I wouldn't wear after this visit. No, I was now a Mnchner on paper and in affinity. I took a sneaky trip to C along with about half of the western world, or so it seemed, to take advantage of the sale to pick up a Dirndl.For those who have not yet had the pleasure of doing the same, let me put it thus: Wearing Tracht is like being allowed to wear fancy dress even though it's not Halloween and you aren't five years old. It makes you feel special, but not silly, because everyone else is wearing it too; and the special feeling reflects itself in the little spring in your step, the swish of your skirts. I don't usually get like this about clothes, much to the benefit of my purse what with that and being a non drinker, my boyfriend delights in my relatively low expensiveness. But it was just one of those things I saw it, heavy blue cotton with a print of faded roses, a dainty puff sleeved lace blouse under it, laced with bright frills and ribbon, and thought immediately, "That one if I am actually going to do this is definitely the one."What a mad profusion of colours and fabrics and bijoux. Older women wore more sober colours and prints, but their dresses were the genuine article, passed down to