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you need to use common sense when purchasing on eBay. eBay does police their sellers heavily in the handbag market, and it is comforting to know that 99% of the bags being sold are authentic. Don't worry, just be smart.It is often hard to tell by a seller's eBay photos if the bag is a knock off or not, but pay attention to the details. A trusted seller should be aware how important it is to showcase the hardware which is often highly detailed, and stamped in their listing photos. If they don't, ask for more photos. Here is an example of a good shot of up close hardware. Check the photos! If a seller is using a company's stock photos and not their own, be concerned. I am not saying all stock photo users are selling fakes, but it would make me nervous. I want to see the real handbag I am buying, not a factory's stock photo.Is the eBay seller a Top Rated Seller? You can find out by looking near their user ID. If they are a Top Rated Seller they will have a gold ribbon badge near their name and feedback. If they are, rest assured that they have earned the trust of the eBay community. They are not selling fakes. Look at the seller's past history. Has this seller sold a high amount of the exact same handbag? If so, this could be a red flag. Typically an eBay seller doesn't have the luxury of a depth of inventory from a trusted source.How to Buy a Real Designer Bag for Less MoneyDo you love designer handbags but hate the high price tags? A real designer handbag is not only highly functional with lots of room to carry all of your necessities but also makes a beautiful fashion statement. Wouldn't it be nice if you could get real designer bags for less? It can be done if you're willing to spend a little time searching and have the patience to wait until you find one at a good price. Here are some tips on how to get real designer bags for less money: Check your local consignment and resale stores.Genuine high end designer purses can often be found at local consignment and resale stores particularly in larger cities. Since they're more expensive, you may not find them displayed with the other purses. Ask the sales clerk since they may have them behind the counter. You can often find such