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as we add another to our collection, a new catalog is released or a celebrity starts toting a new style or brand around, and the cycle continues.Adding Icon Handbags to Your CollectionIcon handbags are a classic fashion statement. You never have to worry about wasting your money or the bag losing style. Isn't making a large investment more practical when you know you'll be able to use your purchase for years down the road?With the same design as Icon shoes, these bags portray images and scenes in both classical and contemporary styles. There are hundreds to choose from, allowing you to find something that represents your style and personality. To begin surfing through online inventory, click on the link above.Icmeler Message BoardHaving had the dubious pleasure of being taken on handbag shopping excursions last year I can say that the best way to get the better quality bags is to check inside the linings of ALL the multitude of places handbags have for holding a purse and make up!! The poor quality ones will look good on the outside but the linings will be poor or in some cases missing, the better quality bags have "official" logo lining. The missus got a Paul Boutique bag, a prada handbag and some other make as well and all are still in good nick we bought them in August last year. I be wary of buying off the market in Icmeler though people where we stayed bought tobacco which was actually sawdust and the bags people bought didn last a week before the zips broke. The stores in Icmeler have loads to pick from and are better quality, you can barter and if you think you are going to be paying too much just leave they normally call you back if they want to deal they prefer English money as well. I got those 3 bags the Paul boutique one being a large bag for 35 in total the store owner originally wanted 80 40 for large bag and 20 each for smaller ones.Iced Coffee ContainersHints: Garage Floor Cleanup, Iced Coffee Containers, Patient CareHINTS FROM HELOISEJuly 23, 2010By HELOISEDear : I would like to share my hint for recycling all those advertising magnets you get from businesses. I take my favorite snapshots and, using white school glue, affix them to