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prada black boots designer brands open factories in other part of the world outside of their home countries. So seeing a made in China tag does not always mean the item is counterfeit. However, if you find this item from unreliable vendors and, you are unsure if the brand company produces their products in that country, it is a good idea to be cautious, especially when the tag says that the item was made in China, Korea, Taiwan, or other countries which are not the home country of the brands.Handbags are sold in soft and high quality dustbags, sometimes with a booklet of how to care for your handbags, especially if they are made of leather.How To Detect an Imitation DiamondNowadays designer handbags, wallets, furs, and rings use imitation gems produced in commercial quantities and which are sold wholesale. They give a sophisticated and expensive look to fashion designs. Imitation gems have been perfected so that anyone who intends to purchase precious stones, especially diamonds, should be familiar with the characteristics of the real gem. Unless bought from a reliable jewelry dealer, glass imitations of different densities can easily be mistaken as real.Diamond imitations are stones that imitate the appearance of a real diamond but do not duplicate its properties. The oldest diamond simulants are glass and grenat glass doublets. These were later replaced by synthetic spinels and corundums, and diamond diamond doublets, and the latest manufactured in synthetic rutile, strontium titanate or fabulite, synthetic cubic zirconia CZ, and in Moissanite.1. Optical Properties. Imitations have a low refraction index that allows light to pass through the stone. Detect an imitation with this simple method.Draw a thick black line on a white sheet of paper.Place the stone on top of the black line.If the black line is seen through the stone, the diamond is an imitation. Take note that this simple test is not reliable if the imitation is made from cubic zirconium oxide, fabulite, synthetic rutile, and certain doublets.2. Hardness. The diamond's hardness cannot be duplicated; a real diamond cannot be scratched by corundum. Glass imitations are softer and can easily be scratched. Another test is to