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Balenciaga handbags are identical thanks to the naturally varying patterns. All authentic Balenciaga handbags have Lampo brand zippers. The Balenciaga nameplate is either a silver plate or a leather tag, depending on the year it was made and the handbag model. The model number is on the front of the plate, and the serial number is on the back. The handles are woven with leather that looks similar to suede. All authentic Balenciaga handbags have one.Make sure you get an authentic bag. The Balenciaga bag is very popular with celebrities, and thus there is a huge demand and a long waiting list. You may be able to purchase an authentic Balenciaga bag on eBay, but do be careful. The demand is so high that there are many fake or counterfeit items.Luxurynavi is a best provider for the various ladies handbags. Varities of brands like gucci bags, hermes bags, birkin bags, prada handbag, miumiu handbag, etc.How to Buy Authentic and Good Looking HandbagsThe biggest give away that you are looking at Chanel replica is the price. Check out the official Chanel website for the cost. First off, understand that Chanel never puts up its goods on sale ever. Next, when the product in the picture looks so good and there is a price slash, you wouldn't be human if you are not tempted. But, the bag is doubtlessly Chanel replica. So, how come the handbag in the picture looks like an original? Identifying a knock off from a picture could be a difficult prospect even for experts. The image you see is not necessarily the image of the product the site is selling. In these days of advanced technology, how difficult can it be to copy and paste the image of a Chanel bag from the Chanel webpage?Next, check the bag for defects. All Chanel handbags that get out of the factory are totally free of defects. The company has a reputation to maintain and it wouldn't do to have imperfect seams and zippers that won't close. Thoroughly check the seams of your Chanel bag. There should be no obviously done in a hurry overlapping of seams. No threads hanging. No gaps through which something from you bag can fall out. The lining is burgundy, the color of Chanel Coco's convent uniform. The stitching of the lining too is