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prada wallet sign of a fake. If the bag is listed as "New with Tags" check the tag. Fake tags are off center and easy to spot. If it's wrapped in plastic of any sort it's likely to be a knock off. Consider the seller, are they male or female? Where do they get their bags? Ask questions! If they have nothing to hide they'll have no problem answering them. Also, a low starting bid is a good indication that the bag you're bidding on is not a real Juicy Couture. After all if someone purchases a bag wholesale for $100 they aren't going to sell it for a penny, 50 bucks or anything less than $100 for that matter! The majority of the authentic bags that I found on ebay were listed at FULL PRICE, it's not common for people to be able to by wholesale although there are sellers out there that can and do. Most Juicy bags retail for $200 $400 so you can expect to pay $150 $300 as a reduced rate.More you should Know . Most people don't realize that about every 6 months Juicy Couture comes out with a new style of the same bag. For example the most popular styles like the Baby Fluff Daydreamer Tote are constantly coming out in various styles, new colors, etc. Only the newest styles are available in Department Stores and when they sell out the latest season bags take their place. The interior of Juicy Couture Bags vary depending on the color of the bag NOT the style. Every Baby Fluff Satchel does not have the same interior. That also goes for most of Juicy Coutures Bags. They are color coordinated, so if you ordered a Tea Dye bag it has a blue interior it doesn't mean its not authentic. Again this is were researching the bag you want online before you buy it is helpful.The inside should be made out of cotton and not of any synthetic materials. Is the fabric smooth to the touch and flexible? , Fake distributors will not pay for quality material. So, if the material inside of the purse is ruff and is made with polyester and stiff, it is definitely a fake Juicy Couture handbag.I hope that these tips will help you spot a fake Juciy Couture bag from a real one and to get what you're paying for. Good Luck and Happy Shopping!Published by Tahni RI am a working mommy of 2 wonderful kids currently living outside of