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life coaching services from the usual darkness that pervades the story, especially when the ghosts begin appearing. The result, he said, is a light hearted family romp.not really going to be spooky, he promised.Klinger said the joy of Gold work shines through. love it. I think it so much fun. It so unique. Ghost, played by Julia Mitchell, is still in chains, wrapped around her white gauzy costume, but that as scary as it gets. Much of the rest of the cast looks festive and shimmery.As the Ghost of Christmas Past, Ella Davis and her attendants wear little gold sparkly dresses representing the The Ghost of Christmas Present, danced by Annie Carroll, is dressed adorably like a gift in plaid stripes wrapped in a big red bow.Annie Unk, the Ghost of Christmas Future, has a futuristic look with a spiked black wig and silver unitard and cape.For Ms. Scrooge, Gold was inspired by the movie The Devil Wears Prada. He wanted to portray a woman who started out as a waitress and pulled herself up by her bootstraps, a Scrooge with a modern sensibility.Gold saw Sophia Hamed Ramos, a sophomore at Our Lady of the Elms, as the perfect choice for the part, both for her personal style and her abilities as a character actress.herself is all