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make sure it's attached properly and that the lettering is well proportioned. If the price is too good to be true, they probably aren't authentic. Take you time and inspect the bag carefully before you buy it.It is true taht design handbags are very expensive, but they are disigner and handmade, only the finest materials are used, while the fake handbags are copied and machine made, using inferior materials. Choose carefully before you buy it. If possible, ask a friend who has had authentic Prada handbags to testify to terrific quality and absolute satisfaction.How to choose affordable designer handbagsA girl can never have enough handbags. The desire to own discount designer handbags is every girl's dream and the secret lies in selecting the right bag at all times. It is important to note that not all expensive bags will look good on you just as they look on everyone else. The general appearance of the bag determines whether it will be a charm to the ladies or not. Well decorated bags with good stitching are considered more attractive than plain bags because they show attention to detail.When choosing discount designer handbags you can ask for recommendations from your friends who have shopped for them before. This way you can get good references about good designers who create quality bags. It is also wise to compare prices from several online shops to ensure that you get the best prices and thus make considerable savings.The occasion for which the handbag will be needed determines the handbag to be bought. Everyday handbags should be sturdy to withstand being carried around. Clutch bags, which are mostly carried during evenings, can be light, well decorated, and stylish. The choice of handbag depends on your style as well. If you prefer style and elegance then choose a bag which suits your look. Those that are reserved and prefer not to dress up can choose handbags which match their look and make them comfortable.Another factor to consider is that Discount Designer Handbags should be durable. This therefore means that the handbag will last for quite some time and you must thus be prepared to keep it for that long. The designer that you choose also reflects your