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of the store. This drives customers straight through the rest of your merchandise, where they may see additional merchandise they decide to buy. Creating lines of sight also has to do with visibility you want customers to be able to see as much of your store as possible from any given point. This means minimizing obstructions and keeping decor from being a distraction.Focus on FixturesThe fixtures and decor in your store have as much influence on its style as the product you sell. For example, if you want to sell high end handbags, don't simply decorate your store with fluorescent lighting and neutral wallpaper instead, opt for stylish fixtures like lamps and chandeliers, and paint with modern, feminine colors. Your store should actively merchandise your product, so place emphasis on eye catching displays throughout. For example, give yourself room to create impressive storefront window displays that will attract attention outside, and emphasize the high quality of your more expensive merchandise by displaying it in attractive, locked glass cases. The way you display your merchandise communicates its value if you simply pile handbags on a table, they're going to look cheap and unappealing.How to design a closetThen categorize each group into colors: all the tan tops together, all the blue tops together and so on. While you are sorting through and organizing items, get rid of things you haven't used in a while. If you can't part with some things but don't have a use for them, put them in a box and store them in the attic or someplace other than your closet. You still have your treasures, but they won't take up space in the closet. Items you can part with should go to charity.Measure the space available in the closet length, width, depth. Now estimate how much room you will need for each of the groups of clothing, shoes, bags, etc. Draw a simple template onto paper with the size of the closet. Create "blocks" in the closet template, sort of like building blocks, and figure out what to put where. Tops and shorts can go one over the other on rods. If you don't mind hanging slacks by draping them over a hanger, then they can also go on a rod under the tops.