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cheap men prada shoes apart especially when only looking at the pictures and not seeing it in real life. Still, the quality and workmanship cannot be compared to a true authentic Italian made product. Street vendors, flea markets, Chinatown Districts, mall kiosks and most home parties do not sell authentic Designer handbags. The price of a Fendi handbag is Not $50, and when it comes to the country of origin the real deal is either France or Italy for all major authentic designer handbags. Do not purchase bags, which say made in China or Taiwan.There is no actual way or mathematical formula to determine if these websites selling these designer handbags are authentic. It's a matter of ones personal judgment and experience. The trick is not to be afraid or discouraged while attempting to perform the online handbag shopping thing, or let a bad experience spook you. Great deals on the real thing can be found. Use your own judgment and apply all previous research knowledge. Don't forget to read the fine print on any site or handbag page. Scour the whole site and don't forget company information, descriptions and FAQs. Don't just use pictures as your only reference. Good luck on your authentic designer handbag shopping experiences.Note To Editor:Adam White is a designer purse enthusiast, always willing to talk designer purses or almost anything designer orientated. We acquire all of our merchandise directly from reputable resellers in the US. We are a secure website to shop on thanks to MonsterCommerce SSL. We often update our stock and aim to keep you the customer happy!How to Detect Fake Branded ItemsHigh class luxury items from well known designers brands such as Louis Vuitton, Coach, Prada, Channel, Gucci, and other brands are always in demand. With new technology and skills, the quality of the imitated goods is now better than ever. Some sellers outright admit it and say that the goods they offer are replicas of the original ones, but some will try to trick you into thinking that the designer items they sell are genuine. Sometimes, it is not possible to spot right away if the items are fake or not. This "how to detect fake branded items" page will guide you in detecting if the branded items you