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prada womens clothing factories.Materials. Finally, consider the materials that are used for the handbag. An authentic bag will be made from very high quality materials, such as leather. The leather should be very fine, soft, and not too wrinkled. If the bag is made from cloth, you should notice that the cloth is very fine and has a high thread count. Also consider the materials for the buttons, the zippers, and the other parts of the handbag. Even these should be made of high quality.How to Identify Authentic Designer HandbagsIt is every woman's dream to own an authentic designer handbag be it Gucci, Prada, Hermes, Fendi, Marc Jacobs or Michael Kors. Because these designer handbags are made of only the finest quality materials, it can cost somewhere between hundreds to thousands of dollars. However, there are many fake handbags being sold in the market today. It can also be tricky at times to spot the difference of an authentic from a fake handbag. Therefore, one should be extra careful when buying a designer handbag. After all, who would want to spend tons of money only to find out that the handbag she purchased is not authentic? It's a comfort to know that there are several guidelines to help you identify an authentic bag from an imitation and here are some of it. Your best bet would be high end or small boutique shops. When buying online, you will have to be even more careful. Shop online in certified designer products seller including Blue Fly, Neiman Marcus, Marissa Collections and Net A Porter. Be wary of online stores which offer unusually cheaper prices for designer handbags. You will be able to tell from the stitches if the bag is authentic or not. There should be no loose stitches and most of the time, the color of the stitch matches that of the bag. If there are metal pieces, there should a logo engraved on it. Take a look at the handbag's hardware. Authentic handbags have protective plastic on it which is only to be removed by the buyer. Authentic handbags are made of fine and quality leather. Most designer labels include one in their bags. This includes information about the purchased bag. Depending on the designer label, the serial number can be seen on the inside of