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prada sunglasses for men sale excess ribbon from around the edges of the fusible web. Place the lining fabric on your work surface, wrong side out. The fabric will serve as a backing for the woven ribbon and as a lining for the handbag made from ribbon. Peel the paper backing from the woven ribbon fabric piece and lay glue side down on the fabric. Iron the woven ribbon to the fabric. Cut around the woven ribbon piece. Place the woven piece on the remaining fabric and use as a pattern to cut out a lining piece.Place the ribbon fabric face up on your work surface. Fold the short end over the front 6 inches and pin the side edges. Sew a 14 inch seam allowance along the pinned edges. Place the lining fabric face up on your work surface. Fold one short end over the front 6 inches and pin the side edges. Sew a 14 inch seam allowance along the pinned edges leaving a 3 inch opening in the middle of one side edge. Turn the sewn ribbon handbag piece right side out. Place the handbag piece inside the lining piece and match all the raw edges. Pin the edges together. This will include the flap above the sewn sides. Sew around the pinned edge using a 14 inch seam allowance. Turn the woven ribbon handbag right side out through the opening in the lining and press. Hand sew the opening closed.How to Make Handbags From PlacematsMaking handbags is a fun craft. Boutique bags are popular among many different age groups of women and girls. If you buy.How to Make a Satin Wired Ribbon RoseSatin ribbon roses are elegant pieces of craft work. Satin wired ribbon roses hold up well with the wire as a support. They can.How to Make Handmade PursesThere are several different techniques for making a purse by hand. You can use a cigar box, plastic place mats and lanyard,.How to Weave Sterling Silver WireWoven sterling silver wire is used to make fine handcrafted jewelry. Almost any pattern that can be woven using thread or yarn.How to Make a Woven Ribbon PurseRibbon purses combine the ancient art form of weaving with fiber arts to produce a practical and functional piece of art. Just.How to Apply Handbag HandlesHandbags are one of the best wardrobe pieces through which you can showcase your personality, and there is no better