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prada by prada perfume review Thundercat; Lily Allen took her seat and a group of cameramen surrounded her, looking as if they were kicking her to death. "It's my first fashion show what should I look out for?" I asked the blogger. Beige, she said.The music started. For the autumn season, Westwood favours a sort of rag doll look of neon pink tartan, massive clown pockets, plaid nappies, a bit of beige, hoodies made out of glitterballs and T shirts with slogans about Haiti on them surely most people will have forgotten about that by then?. The models stroppy horses looked like they'd just been punched. The whole thing was most entertaining, over in a flash.After the show, Westwood complained about consumerism. "I just tell people, stop buying clothes," she said. Which is funny, as she is reportedly about to open 20 new shops in China.But it's an odd line that fashion walks. Separating the vanity from the beauty, the art from the commerce, the dumb from the super smart, is impossible. I did leave with a new respect for its soothsaying powers, however. Come autumn, I look forward to feeling like a beaten up rag doll.This is bullying Bullingdon Club styleJust as Gordon Brown is accused of leading a "Monster Raving Gloomy Party", along comes Ian Clement, former deputy mayor of London, to throw some light on Boris Johnson's comportment at work.Apparently, Johnson found it risible that David Cameron should call himself "Dave" and made a point of calling him Dave at all times while rolling his eyes.Moreover, when Cameron phoned to complain about Johnson's estuary airport idea, according to Clement, "Boris calmly held the phone away from his ear and raised his eyebrows. He put the phone back to his ear and said Yah, Dave, yah' before holding it away again. Cameron was obviously furious."I'm not surprised! That's far meaner than simply shouting at someone. You can just imagine it stretching all the way back to the Bullingdon Club, too. Poor Dave.It's almost enough to turn you vegan. Except the problems he describes are not exclusive to meat rearing. Industrialised agriculture causes at least as much environmental devastation. Turning vegan remains a lifestyle choice rather than the moral high