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specific incentives to a hostess who opens her home to guests, invites her friends and provides light refreshments. If possible, attend a purse party before booking one of your own. If you love the party you attend, you can book your own right then and there. If you think youd like to check out other companies first, look into them and see what the requirements are. Beware the ones who require you to purchase a starter pack, just to be a hostess.One company asks that you provide a display table to exhibit the merchandise, ensure a minimum of 15 guests and a few other parameters. The also ask that you serve light refreshments. If more is asked of you, keep looking into other companies.The hostess receives incentives. If she books a party within a particular time frame, she may receive a discount on her purchase of merchandise and a free gift, just for booking the party.On the night of the party, the hostess may be offered a percentage of the partys total sales in free merchandise. The company may then offer a further incentive " if the hostess attends any party booked from her own party, she may receive a gift at that party. All of these incentives are designed to accomplish three things: provide a venue for the party, encourage the party hostess to promote the party, and entice the hostess to take the next step " be a representative for the company. This should be a low pressure scenario.Many party hostesses become representatives. Part of what compels them to do this is how much fun they had at their own home party, due in large part to the representative who brought the merchandise, the merchandise itself, and the appeal of being an independent contractor.A representative must believe in the product and be excited about it to sell it effectively, so if you want to become a representative, pick a company that carries merchandise you yourself would like to own.When you find the company youd like to represent, youll be referred to something along the lines of an Independent Fashion Consultant. Some companies use an open house style of party, with no formal presentation of the merchandise to the guests. This frees the guests to work within their own timeline. Both of these