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standing in the Quince Street home livingdining area. it made the space seem smaller. Now staged, the room is furnished with a trim two person table permanently set for dinner with china and wineglasses. There is a sleek modern painting behind a beige loveseat; a green suede armchair; a blooming orchid on the mantel; and a petite coffee table, upon which rest the current issues of Organic Style, Real Simple and Town Country Travel. Everything in the house, from the spare closets upstairs filled with a few J. Crew looking handbags and scarves to the votive candles in the bathrooms, is designed to make it look bigger, brighter and better. It also orchestrated to tell a story, the one about how stylish and blissfully organized your life will be as soon as you move in.Do buyers really fall for all that? Could it honestly be worth it to spend, as Davidow asks of some clients, from $2,000 to $5,000 for a six week staging of furniture, books, mohair throws, plants and flowers plus weekly cleaning? wants to spend the money, admits Prudential realtor Mike McCann, who has used the Busybees for 30 properties over the past two years. if your house is in the $200,000 to $400,000 range, you going to get about $20,000 more for it after staging . Demand is such that the Powerses recently quit their jobs as graphic designers to provide their service full time. They also offer consultations, which take several hours and, at $100 an hour, cost far less than full stagings.Bob Yizzi, an appraiser, says his Busybees revamp of a house he sold near Graduate Hospital cost $4,400 a hard check to write, but worth it: got more money, definitely, than I would have without using them, Yizzi says. just as important, it took less time. They changed the complexion of the house. THE STAGEYour goal with a do it yourself house Streamlined immaculateness the kind you see when you throw open the door to a hotel suite. Here how to fake it.Get rid of your junk.Cleanliness is paramount, says stager and decorator Brenner, who runs a business called I Can Arrange That, in Glenside. But before you can scrub or have someone else do it have to pare down. first thing I do is get rid of clutter, says Brenner, who