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individual MK lines are designed the same with all their features in their respective places. If anything is out of place, red flags should be going up. When you know what you're buying, it's easier to identify replica Michael Kors handbags see the above picture.When purchasing MK handbags online, purchase from a reputable dealer. Read our section on how to avoid buying replica Michael Kors handbags for a resource list on what to look for when buying from an online retailer.Another very important way of protecting yourself from suspicious sellers, especially on online marketplaces like eBay and Amazon, is to read their feedback and to review their return policy. If their bags are authentic, they'll have no problem taking it back.How to Spot Fake MerchandiseA genuine Gucci bag won't sell for $100. In fact, you'll beshocked to find one under $1,000. So even if $100 seems pricey for a handbag, check the real price range of the product in question before dishing out for a fake.Stitching and Construction: Though some knock off handbags look genuine from the outside, many have obviously sloppy stitching on the bottom or the inside socheck to see if the original is lined or not what colors are really being sold if the zipper works well and that all seams are tight and straight, if not almost invisible.Date magnification bubble: On real Rolexes, this is made of crystal. Fakes are generally glass, and can be crooked.A standard feature on genuine Rolex watches from 2002 on is a tiny coronet symbol etched into the crystal face under the six. This is one of the harder things to replicate. Many fakers don't even try. If you do see it, check to make sure it's straight, and in the right place.How to Spot Fake Louis Vuitton HandbagsImage and Etiquette Consulting, in Coral Gables, Florida. In this clip, I'm going to talk about how to identify a fake Louis Vuitton handbag. So, pretty much, if you are dealing with a fake Louis Vuitton handbag, it will not be authentic leather, so it will not have the soft, yet firm feeling that the Louis Vuitton leather has. You will not find an original monogrammed lock on the outside that it actually says Paris, made in France, registered Louis