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can see just in the quality and finishing of these details it has frayed edges that are cut, not sewn, and the stitch detail is brown, not the classic yellow that Louis Vuitton actually uses. Now, also we take another look at some of the finishing details of this bag and the seaming. That's when you can really begin to see the difference in these bags. The replica bag, the seams are covered with this brown plastic, whereas in our real Speedy bag, all of the seams are covered with this cotton canvas, which is very clean and neatly stitched and not fraying at all. When you're shopping for a designer handbag, particularly online, you want to keep an eye out for four key things to protect yourself from buying a replica bag. The first thing you want to take a look at is the price. Is the price too good to be true? Is it too low to be real? If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Also, you want to take a look at how the bag is described particularly, does the seller of the bag ever explicitly state that the bag is authentic? If they skip over that particular detail, it's probably because the bag is not real. You also want to take a look at the return policy. Is it possible to return the bag? Somebody who's willing to take a return is standing by their merchandise, and is a strong indication that the bag is real. Another important thing to look for when buying a bag online is to ensure that they show plenty of pictures of the bag. You want to see details of the inside of the bag, details on the outside of the bag, and you want to see pictures of the authentication number. If the person selling the bag doesn't show those numbers, please ask them to send you those pictures. If they're not willing to send you the pictures, it's very unlikely that the bag is real.How to spot gay childrenKuala Lumpur The Malaysian government has begun holding seminars aiming to help teachers and parents spot signs of homosexuality in children, underscoring a rise in religious conservatism in the Muslim majority nation.So far, the Teachers Foundation of Malaysia has organised 10 seminars across the nation. Attendance at the last event on Wednesday reached 1 500 people, a spokesperson for the