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and there is always a "great debate" on if it is the real deal or not! I own 5 Coach purses but did not know some of the tricks you had on your website. For example, if you have a signature pattern purse your lining should NOT have the c or cc pattern. Lots of time you can also tell from the quality of the lining. If the lining is stiff and just feels like poor quality then most likely you are looking at a fake.Just recently in my area, there have been a number of people having purse parties with Coach bags coming with a card of authencity. Please know that manufacturers of fakes also print up authentic cards that look identical to the real cards so do not use those cards are a decision point.How to Tell an Authentic Chloe HandbagVisit your bag. Go to a store that you know to be selling authentic top quality Chloe handbags, and take a close look at the item. Note the details of stitching, placement of identification tags and the serial numbers; you can even request to see the dust bag. Arm yourself with a physical description of the Chloe bag you wish to authenticate. If you are not able to locate a retail store, have a look at the official website or the archives of well known fashion magazines. Printing out detailed images from the official Chloe website is a good way to establish your reference point.Consider the source of your Chloe bag. Where you buy your Chloe bag can be the first indicator of its authenticity. Being offered a money back guarantee, store receipt or authenticity card does not ensure you are buying an authentic Chloe. If you are considering buying from an online source or a site that offers bidding, find out how many bags are for sale, and if possible, read the satisfaction surveys of previous customers. If your seller has a large number of the same item for sale, this should raise some red flags. If you are buying in person, comparing the seller's name to an original nonhandwritten receipt can be a good way to authenticate the bag. Make a call, and ask for the record of purchase.Examine the bag for authenticity. Compare your notes on the authentic bag to the Chloe you are authenticating. Everything should match, from the placement of brand names and