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indeed, the boy himself, sexually abused by a Catholic priest since released early from prison, must be feeling now. WilliamJacks, jailed for five years for sex attacks on the altar boy from the age of 13, was freed after spending just 19 months behind bars. His sentence was cut by 18 months on appeal after hisbarrister said Jacks maintained the sexual conduct had been consensual. Surely any adult who can accuse a 13 year old of being culpable for such a sexual assault is clearly incapable of recognisinghe has committed a crime. Jacks's heartless stance will only traumatise his victim further. The Catholic Church says it is offering Jacks support and therapy. What is it doing for his victim?OUR children loved the new Rowan Atkinson James Bond spoof, Johnny English, the highlight of which was a scene showing the Archbishop of Canterbury exposing his bottom in the middle of a grandceremony. English's arch enemy was, as he put it, a French "ponce", brilliantly portrayed by John Malkovich. Since the film was made long before the war in Iraq, I doubt if the makers realised justhow timely their script was. The rather weak anti French jokes got far bigger laughs in our local cinema than they deserved.THE only North East pub I know of which celebrated St George's Day did so rather apologetically, tagging it on to an event marking Shakespeare's birthday on the same day. But at least the ChurchHow the King of Sole Got SoulFor more than two decades, Kenneth Cole avoided the limelight. He built a $400 million shoe and clothing company, married the daughter of former New York Gov. Mario Cuomo and golfed with Bill Clinton. But unlike such competitors as Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren, he refused to turn himself into a celebrity. Instead of featuring his face in company ads, he lent his name to social issues AIDS, homelessness, gun control, abortion. Cite a public controversy, and Cole likely weighed in on it, often with humor and puns.On guns, his ads proclaimed: "Regardless of the right to bear arms, we condemn the right to bare feet." On abortion: "Women have the right to be pregnant, but not barefoot." On homelessness, as part of a campaign to encourage customers to donate shoes