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invitations at the store, or you can make your own and tell people to use the invitations as their admission tickets into the premiere party. You can instruct your friends to dress up for the event and to watch out because there might be a lot of paparazzi. Make it fun.Once you have sent out invitations, you should start thinking about how you will decorate the location where you will be having the premiere. You will probably get some good ideas by looking at the movie that the premiere party is for. For instance, if you are throwing a Sex and the City movie party, you can choose decorations that are sparkly and use the colors hot pink, black, and white a lot. Instead of using a red carpet outside, put down a pink carpet. Hang up posters of the movie and of various fashions such as Manolo Blahnik shoes and various designer handbags. You can even use Martini glasses to decorate.The menu of foods that you want to serve should also be appropriate. Chinese take out and muffins or cupcakes would be great for a Sex and the City party, and pizza pretty much fits into any movie premiere party. If the party is thrown for kids, you may want to have ham burgers and hot dogs available. Make sure popcorn and candy are on hand for when the movie starts. You can organize trivia games where certain questions about the movie have to be answered and you can even giveaway prices to the winners. Prices can be anything from the movie's DVD to T shirts, stickers, movie theater gift cards or Blockbuster gift cards. It depends on your budget. Other activities can be a manicure or pedicure or having hair and make up done. You can make a gift bag and it doesn't have to be expensive. You can look for free items such as free make up samples and perfume samples from beauty stores like Sephora. You can purchase the movie soundtrack and burn it so you can include a copy in each gift bag. The Mahalo page Free sample coupons might help you here. You can even try emailing the retailers of certain products to see if they can provide free samples. If you don't mind spending some money, try going to the dollar store.How To Tell The Difference Between Crocodile And Alligator HandbagsMany people are confused