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that once once we knew the game was abandoned we got our players straight into the dressing room."Ricky was doing exactly what I was doing and trying to calm the situation down yeah it was heated and things were said and things were said by both managers."Marheineke said: "It wasn't a violent situation immediately . It was a handbags situation that turned into a fight."The draw for the second qualifying round of the FA Cup is on Monday morning. As things stand, both Sleaford Town and Huntingdon Town remain in the competition.Huntingdon Daily NewsDaily News Newspaper December 11, 1952, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania PA68 1 The Daily News Founded 1923 by Josepfe F Blddle Jobs H Blddle Publisher Entered Bt the pott office Hunt ingdon Pennsylvania January 31 1022 as secondclass roall matter under Act of March 31 1879 Published Every Day Except Sunday E Blair Shore General Manager Eugene T Shore Edltoi NEWS BRIEFS Those who visited recently in the home of Mrs Chester Gates of Saxton R D 1 were Mr and Mrs Harold C Gates of Chambersburg Mr and Mrs Ernest Groeimet and daughter of Lafayette Indiana Mr and Mrs William Hirst and daughtor of James Creek Mrs Marshal Weimert and Mr and Mrs William Weimert and family ell of Saxton Mrs James Gates and Fred Gates of Dudley David Butchike and Paul McClosky of Pittsburgh and E J Mellott of Everett Those who called at the home of Amelia Hampton and father of 1 Aitch on Sunday were Mrs Miles Norris Mr and Mrs Charles Nor ris and children Mr and Mrs Westley Norris all of Huntingdon Mildred Harris of Aitch and granddaughter Holly Nokes of Philadelphia James Hampton Mr and Mrs Harry Hampton and daughter of Martinsburg the Rev and Mrs Raymond Yetter and son of Florida Visitors in the home of Lewis Frank and Emma Masemore of Three Springs on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Aubrey Hoffman and daughters Sonja and Ina of Three Springs Mrs John Neville Sr of Broad Top City Mrs Dean Lane and daughter Sandra of Robertsdale Mr and Mrs Fred Lane and son Gary of Three Springs Mr and Mrs Ephram Waite of Orbisonia Mr and Mrs Clair Waite and daughter Brenda of Rocfchill Furnace Karen Neville of Dudley Mr and Mrs Fred Thompson and son Jerrv Lee of Coalmont Mr and