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consisted of a number given by each Sunday school class. William Holdren gave a vocal number, accompa nied by Mrs. John Shea, and a piano number was given by David Bornholdt. Grace Hall gave a reading, and Nelle Ricks and Lila beth Helms a skit. Group singing was led by Don Weldemler. formerly of Hutchinson, was guest pianist. Dr., Paul Carson of Sterling college gave the evening's talk, "Shrines of Worship." Clarice Reep was toastmaster. Sixty five attended, including teachers of the junior high, high school and young people's classes, the Sunday school superintendent Reuben Miller and the pastor, Rev. Charles H. Reep. Layette Shoicer Mrs. Paul Hayes of Castleton was honored at a layette shower given Saturday night by Mrs. E. M. Ross, 212 East 16th. Pink and white sweetpeas decorated the Buffet Supper Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Muir, 201 West 19th, entertained at a buffet supper in their home Friday night in honor of Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Foy, who will leave Monday night to live in Los Angeles, Calif. Cards were played during the evening and the honorees were presented a gift from the hosts. To Honor Pioneers Nu chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, educational sorority, will entertain Saturday afternoon at MARV JANE SC1ION HOLTZ 1ms gone lo Austin, Tex., to enroll as an engineering cadette at the University of Texas, She will have ,10 montlis training sponsored by the Curtlss Wrlghl company and will then enter one of the company plants, TAKE A TIP FROM US! You can't beat the good meals served at the PLANTATION 12 WEST 5tt For You Who Want Smartness, Get Your Accessories and Sportswear From Greenwald's I Put Up A Fresh Front with GREENWALD'S SUIT BLOUSES Buy War Bonds! 1 95TO5'95 This spring you'll go On a blouse spree . . . yoifll wear the same suit many times . . . you'll line up a wardrobe of blouses and shirts from classic perennials to bow shirts to ruffled shirts . all gay enough to cause a riot! A Huge Selection of Lovely SPRING HATS $ 195 to $1295 Top off your gayest spring mood with the most exciting hats ever! We're showing a stunning collection of just the hats you want for that new spring ensemble . no matter what the style, the color, the material. All sizes! See Our Windows!